Monday 24 March 2014

Because I can, with a Thermomix

There are some days where I really don't want to leave the house. Generally, it is the hot days that I stay home because I just don't want to just move due to the heat and humidity. My boys are the same, they just lie under the fan and sleep. Sometimes, they wake up and move to another tile so that they stay cool and then start snoring. Yes, I have 2 dogs that snore.

Anyway, because I was home all day, I decided to go a bit crazy with my TMX and make a few things. 3 things were made that afternoon.... Chocolate chip cookies, gnocchi and the chocolate crust for a salted carmel chocolate tart... The gnocchi took the longest as I had to wait for the potatoes to cool down before I could start rolling. The gnocchi was for dinner and I got the recipe from Pintrest. I know I keep raving about Pintrest but it really is an great site! I coupled it with a tomato and basil sauce which I just made up. 

Anyway, below are some pictures. You can find the C.C.C and gnocchi all on Pintrest... I doubled the batch of gnocchi and froze half of it so we have a quick and easy meal in a few weeks.

The salted carmel chocolate tart is a Tenina special and I will post the photo of it tomorrow!

Yummy gnocchi, may not look pretty but taste fabulous

C.C.C - I was told by my friend that my cookies were even better then Dad's... :)

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